skin leaves
skin leaves
Premieres April 19-21, 2018 at ODC Theater, San Francisco
Performance Dates: April 19-20 @ 8pm, April 21 @ 3pm & 8pm
Tickets: $25 available at ODC Box Office
Opening night reception following performance April 19
Artists Talk and O & A post-performance April 20
about skin leaves:
SKIN LEAVES is the newest work from choreographer Holly Johnston. This 45-minute evening of dance narrates stories of selfhood through movement, music and visual design. Rising through the flesh and bones of dancing bodies are stories of persons subjugated by patriarchy and heterosexism. The work is a culmination of a two-year research and development process and is created by Heather Cooper, Kara Davis, Raphael Boumailia and Holly Johnston. Major artistic advancements to the research and development of Skin Leaves were given by the artistic contributions of Katharine Hawthorne and Elizabeth Chitty.
Music, Sound Design, Live Performance by Tim Russell
Lighting Design, Technical Direction by John Garofalo
Early Sketches and Drafts of Skin Leaves :
Performed as "Skin Leaves, Honey Falls" at The RAWdance Concept Series-20, March 2017. Music composed by Katharine Hawthorne
Performed as "Rapid Spins Swallow I Might" at the Silicon Valley Dance Festival, Fall 2016. Music composed by Katharine Hawthorne
donations & contributions
To make a supportive contribution to Skin Leaves and LEDGES AND BONES you can donate here through our fiscal sponsor- Dancer's Group. SKIN LEAVES DONATIONS
Skin Leaves is supported in part by The Rainin Foundation Opportunity Grant and by the generous support of individual donors.
LEDGES AND BONES extends our deepest gratitude to the following individuas for their support and donations to Skin Leaves: