applicant info

Responsive Body Workshop Scholarship Applicants

please submit your name, email, mailing address and phone number with the requested information below to: Holly Johnston at with Responsive Body Scholarship-Your Name in the subject line. Applications are due by April 30, 2019. You will receive notification regarding your application by May 15, 2019.

sharing space

Please share with us where you are in your career, educational, art and/or life adventures. What pathways have you taken to get here? What are you pursuing next or now? How can Responsive Body support your artistic growth, professional development and/or human learning process?

In this application you do not need to justify ‘need’. It is assumed and fully embraced that you are applying for this scholarship because you have self-identified your own needs and have determined that this financial assistance would support your professional development.

Your preferred communication modes and/or styles are welcome. As artists-creatives we are often required to submit applications for ‘acceptance’ or ‘entrance’ into opportunity through hegemonic standards for formal/academic writing. This to us often smells like ‘educational privilege’ and functions like a dog-whistle for intellectual elitism. If you would prefer to communicate with us through other modes of information transmission you are encouraged to do so. We can accept video submissions with links, audio files, writings, powerpoint, photography and/or any other mode that can be digitally accessed. No one way is required. Your way is invited.

The length of your sharing space is self determined. There are no minimums or maximums.

We look forward to hearing how we can respond to your action-state to acquire resources for your professional and personal development.

send & receive

When you send us your application your request for resource support will be fully received. We will respond to you, to your request and to your need for resources. Although selection for the full scholarship maybe competitive finding someway to support your participation is not. Submitting your application for scholarship support demonstrates committed engagement in this work, we are committed to you in return. We will make all efforts to offer financial aid or assistance to those of you who are not selected for the full scholarship. Your action on behalf of your own growth will be received and reciprocated. We will find a way, together. Please send your applications to: Holly at

We look forward to being with you,

Thank you.
